Enrollment options to fit your schedule!

All staff members ARE required to complete their enrollment process.
You have three easy ways to complete your enrollment:


Call Center

Speak to a licensed benefit counselor for plan information and enrollment assistance.

Benefits Service Center*
(855) 441-6130

Monday - Friday: 8: 00 AM - 7:00 PM (CST)
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (CST)

Before you speak with a Benefits Counselor, please have the following information ready: dependents’ names, birth dates, social security numbers, addresses, and phone numbers.

*To speak with a Spanish speaking counselor, please press 2 when prompted. – Para hablar con un consejero en Español, presione 2 cuando se le solicite.


Face to Face

Visit with an on-site benefits counselor during your organizations scheduled open enrollment period.

Dates: September 30 - October 18 (closed)

See table below for dates, times and locations. Click on the campus/department names to schedule a time with a benefits counselor.

Please be sure you sign up for an appointment at your
assigned campus.

Enrollment Dates On-Site Dates Campus/Department Name
09/30 7:45AM-4:30PM Judson Care Academy (JCARE)
09/30 7:45AM-4:30PM Child Nutrition - District (Spanish)
09/30 8 AM-1 PM Transportation
09/30 7:45AM-4:30PM Police Department
09/30 7:45AM-4:30PM Maintenace and Warehouse
10/1 7:45AM-5PM Judson High School and Athletic Dept
10/1 7:45AM-5PM Wagner High School
10/1 7:45AM-5PM Veterns Memorial High School
10/2 - 10/3 7:45AM-4:30PM Kirby Middle School/Judson Learning Academy
10/2 - 10/3 7:45AM-4:30PM Judson Middle School (JSTEM) Community Ed
10/2 - 10/3 7:45AM-4:30PM Kitty Hawk Middle School
10/2 - 10/3 7:45AM-4:30PM Metzger Middle School
10/2 - 10/3 7:45AM-4:30PM Woodlake Hills Middle School
10/4 7:45AM-4:30PM Candlewood Elementary School
10/4 7:45AM-4:30PM Converse Elementary School
10/4 7:45AM-4:30PM Copperfield Elementary School
10/4 7:45AM-4:30PM Hartman Elementary School
10/7 7:45AM-4:30PM Rolling Meadows Elementary School
10/7 7:45AM-4:30PM Coronado Village Elementary School
10/7 7:45AM-4:30PM Olympia Elementary School
10/7 7:45AM-4:30PM Crestview Elementary School
10/8 7:45AM-4:30PM Elolf Elementary School
10/8 7:45AM-4:30PM Escondido Elementary School
10/8 7:45AM-4:30PM Franz Elementary School
10/8 7:45AM-4:30PM Salinas Elementary School
10/9 7:45AM-4:30PM Hopkins Elementary School
10/9 7:45AM-4:30PM Masters Elementary School
10/9 8AM-1PM Tranportation
10/10 7:45AM-4:30PM Miller's Point Elementary School
10/10 7:45AM-4:30PM Wortham Oaks Elementary School
10/10 7:45AM-4:30PM Judson Early College Academy (JECA)
10/15 7:45AM-4:30PM Park Village Elementary School
10/15 7:45AM-4:30PM Spring Meadows Elementary School
10/15 7:45AM-4:30PM Woodlake Elementary School
10/16 8 AM-12 PM District Administration Office
10/16 8 AM-12 PM ERC Building Administration
10/16 1 PM-4 PM J-Tech Administration Office
10/17 7:45PM-4:30 PM J-Tech Administration Office
10/17 7:45AM-4:30PM Paschall Elementary School


Click the link below to access the benefits enrollment portal to enroll online.

Self-Serve Website

For online enrollment, use the following format as login information:

Employee ID or SSN: Your social security number
PIN: Last four of your social followed by last two of your birth year

John Smith
SSN: 123-45-6789 | DOB: 01-27-1993
Employee ID or SSN: 123456789
PIN: 678993